Our training partner Dr. Stephan Rein once again offers the two online workshops “Bareos Level 1 and Level 2”. Dates for the Bareos online training: March 22 and 23 as well as March 29 and 30, 2022.

Are you looking for a Bareos online training in English language? Good news: on March 22 and 23 (“Bareos Level 1”) and March 29 and 30 (“Bareos Level 2”), 2022, we’re offering the two workshops again. Both workshops are full-day sessions.
Please register via the backup & recovery website and drop us an email.
Bareos, Level 1:
- Introduction to Bareos
- Installation
- Basic Configuration
- Backup and Restore
- Backup Strategies
- Volume Management I: (Backup2Disk)
- Volume LifeCycle Management
- Bareos Tools/Utilities
- Disaster Recovery (NEW: Disaster Recovery with Bareos and ReaR)
Bareos, Level 2:
- Volume Management II: (Backup2Disk2Tape)
- Backup on Tape
- Autoloader/Tape Library
- Migration and Replication (Copy Jobs)
- Virtual Full Backup
- Encrypting your Data
- Overview: Always Incremental and NDMP
- Questions and Answers (2 hours)
Of course, there will be plenty of exercises which the participants perform on their own computers (prerequisite: Windows, macOS, or Linux). All exercises take place in specially provided virtual Linux servers running in VirtualBox. The participants work with PuTTY (Windows) or SSH (Linux, macOS). Prerequisites: Participants should be familiar with the Linux console and a text editor (for example Nano, Joe, Emacs, Vi(m) etc.).