The Company

Trust the Source.

The openly accessible source code makes Bareos particularly secure because of the ongoing control by a highly specialized developer community. Potential security problems are detected and fixed quickly.

The company Bareos GmbH & Co. KG not only ensures the further development of the backup solution as Open Source software, but also offers professional support, training (on-site and online) for users and administrators. The company works with partners all over the world.

Imagine buying a safe where you want to store important documents. However, the key to the safe is kept by the seller. When you need access to your documents, you have to pay. This is how many customers who have limited use of proprietary backup software feel.
Philipp Storz, Managing Director Bareos GmbH & Co. KG

Bareos GmbH & Co. KG

Bareos Team

The managing directors of the company


Networking: many partners around the world


Digital sustainability and social benefit


Job offers: the company Bareos is hiring


Press releases, whitepapers, case studies

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